The years come and go quickly. At the beginning of each year, people set goals, objectives, and targets.
Albeit that this is a helpful exercise, the sad reality is that most of these goals are never followed through to the end or they gather dust on the shelves.
Others who feel disappointed in themselves have stopped setting the goals and targets altogether.
But this year will be different if you choose to do things differently. It’s said that “if you do the same things over and over you don’t get different results”. So let’s do 2021 differently; let’s join the Yaw Perbi Mastermind session. Let’s plan our success path and measure our daily actions towards achieving them. Covid-19 has left many in despair and without hope. Come let’s learn to grow and build anew. Whatever stage you are, you need a fresh boost to growth. Join us work through the 15 Invaluable Laws of Growth in a solid mastermind group.